
Close them out!

Having a good backlog is important for many projects. However, having hundreds or even thousands of issues that realistically nobody will ever pick up does not constitute a good backlog. Just closing out old issues can be the best thing one can do. (click on the image for a larger version) Even larger version Stay tuned for the next instalment! Previous strip: Just say no

Just say no

Developers want to be there for everyone, and are always ready to help out with their coding skills. An experienced developer however doesn't just know when to say yes, but especially knows when to say no. (click on the image for a larger version) Even larger version Stay tuned for the next instalment! Previous strip: Hiring the right people Next Strip: Close them out!

Jakarta EE Survey 2022

At OmniFaces we poll the community from time to time and again about Jakarta EE (previously Java EE) and related technologies. With the transfer of Java EE to Jakarta EE now fully completed and Jakarta EE 10 released , people are now starting to think about Jakarta EE 11 , the second Jakarta EE feature release. As such it's a good time to poll the community again. This year we're doing so in cooperation with OmniFish . In the 2022 edition, there are 4 categories of questions again: Current usage of Jakarta EE Servlet containers APIs related to Jakarta EE The future of Jakarta EE Compared to 2020, we simplified some of the questions once more; again omitting some of the less popular options to make it more manageable. We kept the questions about the future of Jakarta EE and MP together as this issue still isn't resolved. We also ask about the preferred Jakarta EE cadence. As Jakarta EE 10 is the first feature release, we haven't really established a cade...

Whatā€™s new in Jakarta Security 3?

Despite the version number 3, Jakarta Security 3 is the first real update of Jakarta Security since it was introduced as Java EE Security in Java EE 8. In this article weā€™ll take a look at what new things have been added. Weā€™ll first take a look at the user facing umbrella API, which is Jakarta Security itself, and then take a look at the two underlying SPIs it depends on; Jakarta Authentication and Jakarta Authorization. OpenID Connect The signature addition to Jakarta Security 3 is the new OpenID Connect authentication mechanism, contributed by Payaraā€™s Lead Developer Rudy De Busscher and Principal Engineer Gaurav Gupta . OpenID Connect joins the existing Basic , Form and Custom Form authentication mechanisms. The plan to also gain parity to Servlet by adding Jakarta Security versions of the Client-Cert and Digest authentication mechanisms unfortunately failed, as simply nobody picked up the work for that. As Jakarta Security is now mostly a volunteer driven OSS proje...

GlassFish at Eclipse - JakartaOne slides

During the JakartaOne livestream 2021 I talked about GlassFish at Eclipse, which was a great experience with close to 900 people online. Thank you all for watching. These are the slides used during the presentation: And this is the presentation itself: Arjan Tijms

JakartaOne Livestream on 7 Dec 2021

Happy to announce I'll be speaking at the biggest Jakarta EE event of the year, which is the JakartaOne Livestream. Register now by using the following link: and be sure not to miss out!

GlassFish now runs on JDK 16!

GlassFish , an open source Jakarta EE Platform implementation, is a code base that goes back a long time, in essence all the way back to 1996. It's also a fairly large code base. Therefor it's not suprising perhaps that in all that time, it obtained some cruft between all those lines of code, which made it challenging to run on modern versions of the JDK. The last few months or so the GlassFish team has been working on removing this cruft, and making the release compatible with newer JDK versions. The primary target was to be able to compile the code with JDK 11 and be able to run it on that as well. A stretch goal was to have it compiling with- and running on JDK 16 too. As of PR 23446 we have now reached this goal: Note that it concerns a nightly of a not-yet merged PR, and that the official certification of the soon to be released GlassFish 6.1.0 will be done against JDK 11 only (since, for now, the Jakarta EE TCK only runs on JDK 11). The internal tests touch a ...